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CCPro™ is a cloud-based, comprehensive, agile, and cost-effective contact centre solution which combines telephone technology with a robust data-based heart.

About CCPro™

CCPro™ was born out of client demand and has been built to provide the core functionality that our clients need to run their contact centres.

CCPro™ is a Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS), it’s hosted, scalable and constantly updated. CCPro™ has entered the market as a solution to provide greater efficiency in agents’ work schedules, to empower them to do their job in an effective and efficient manner and to be able to perform the required tasks at an affordable level of  investment.

CCPro™ provides a data-driven positive experience to Agents, Management and Stakeholders with a system which is efficient in its operation, empathetic to agents, provides comprehensive management information and remains affordable.

CCPro™ embraces six principal qualities:

Above all CCPro™ enables your clients to communicate with you, and you with them on the terms that they want to, making this a conduit for a truly customer-centric service.

CCPro™ can be used in its standard format or tailored to meet your specific and individual needs

CCPro™ has been designed to be a comprehensive contact centre solution which, while delivering a great resource, won’t be taking chunks out of your hard-earned, highly pressurised margins.


CCPro™ telephony communicates through SIP channels. We can provide SIP trunks within in the price of our service (subject to conditions) with as many channels as required or if you already have the capacity in place, we can utilise your existing connectivity.

Utilising our SIP trunks enables free calls to UK landlines and Mobiles, enables remote working and importantly provides fraud prevention

CCPro™ utilises WebRTC (Real Time Communication) to enable:

Bespoke Development

We recognise that some businesses have individual requirements driven by a multitude of varying factors.

As a CCaaS development the great news is that you can have your own iteration of CCPro™ developed to your exact needs which might include:

Subject to any required licences or permissions

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